kivabe gmail account erase korben. amra onekei ojotha okarone onek gmail account khule thaki. ja amader kono kaje ase na. ba sei wail account diye kono kaj o kora hoy na. sei account gulo erase korar sohoj poddhoti amra apnake janiye dicchi. specialty erase korar framework dewa throb. prothome apnar je account ti erase korben sei accounte apnake login korte hobe. tarpor apni setting eprobesh korben, tarppor nicher 1-5 porjontto je collum dewa throb tar 5 number e erase buttom dewa thakbe. erase account e click korar sathe apnar account ti erase hoye jabe. othoba specialty amader erase korar connect dewa hurt . interface e click korar sathe account ti erase hoye jabe.
1 Settings from
2 change langue Settings for Other Google products
3 Delete Google Account and data
4 Password :************
5 Delete Account
6 How to Delete now button
erase buttom e click korar por apnake bola hobe apnar kono record reinforcement korben kina. apni caile reinforcement korte parben. r je gmail ti apni erase korbe, sei name e apni r kokhono new gmail account khulte parben na.